Developing laboratory experiments to teach students the problems related to the corrosion of metallic artifacts is a challenging problem. Corrosion processes develop over weeks with sudden corrosion rate changes so students should be able to look after the specimen on a regular basis and this is often not compatible with their other duties.
This project tries to address this problem by arranging an infrastructure capable of letting student to both remotely observe the corrosion evolution, but also to act on the corrosion process by changing the parameters wich affect the corrosion itself.
This infrastructure deploys a specific authorization procedure so that it is possible to have several corrosion tests running in parallel with all the people capable of following the evolution, but only specific students enabled to change the parameters of a specific experiment. This permits to all to observe the effect of different events and allow writing reports and discussing the effect of the different parameters.
The implementation of the remote laboratory is restricted to two experiments.
The developers wishes to thank the student teams of the 2016 Master of Science classes in Electronics and Material Science which cooperated in realizing the remote infrastructure and in testing it.
This website has been developed by Elisa Petralito and the Technical Staff of LED, Laboratorio di Esercitazioni Didattiche, of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications.
This project has been supported by Politecnico di Torino in the framework of special projects to enhance the didactic quality.